Suzy Ramirez Greenberg Vice President of Intel Product Assurance and Security and General Manager of Product Incident Response and Communications Intel Corporation
Speaker Bio
Suzy Ramirez Greenberg leads the execution of Intel's global security communications strategy and product incident response. She manages Intel's industry-leading Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), driving Intel's identification, mitigation, and disclosure of security vulnerabilities. Previously, she was vice president of Intel Architecture, Graphics & Software, where she ran the Software Program Office. There, Suzy led efforts to ensure software is a strategic asset for Intel, and focused on software security, privacy, and developer ecosystem support. Prior to that, she led software mitigation engineering and validation in the System Software Products team.
In 2019, Suzy was honored with Intel's highest team-level award for her work providing guidance to help customers respond to software product-related security issues. She spent four years in Intel's Open-Source Technology Center, advising the general manager and leading the marketing, engineering, and licensing teams. Suzy joined Intel in 2008 in the Global Communications Group, advancing to senior public relations manager responsible for Intel Software, Services & Security PR, leading relationships with Microsoft, Google, and McAfee. She is a leader in the Intel Latinx Leadership Council, the Intel Inclusive Engineering steering team, and multiple diversity and inclusion efforts. Suzy graduated from Santa Clara University with a bachelor's degree in communication.