Tanvir Hossain, Mahmudul Hasan, Anupam Golder and Zachary J Ellis
SoC Security Track
Team Redhawks
Fairuz Shadmani Shishir, Md. Mashfiq Rizvee, SM Mojahidul Ahsan and Sumaiya Shomaji
Supply Chain Security Track
Chaitanya Bhure, Dhruvakumar Aklekar and Geraldine Shirley
2023 Ph.D. Competition Award
Processor Microarchitecture Security
Shuwen Deng
Advisor: Dr. Jakub Szefer
School: Yale University
2023 BEST Paper Awards
Best Student Paper Award
Low-Latency Masking with Arbitrary Protection Order Based on Click Elements
Mateus Simoes, Lilian Bossuet, Vincent Grosso, Nicolas Bruneau, Patrick Haddad and Thomas Sarno
Best Paper Award
ProcessorFuzz: Processor Fuzzing with Control and Status Registers Guidance
Sadullah Canakci, Chathura Rajapaksha, Anoop Mysore Nataraja, Leila Delshadtehrani, Michael Taylor, Manuel Egele and Ajay Joshi
HOST Hall of Fame
Jim Plusquellic
University of New Mexico
Mark Tehranipoor
University of Florida
Saverio Fazzari
Booz Allen Hamilton
Farinaz Koushanfar
UC San Diego
Ken Mai
Carnegie Mellon University
Matt Casto
Srini Devadas
Yousef Iskander
Gang Qu
University of Maryland
Swarup Bhunia
University of Florida
Jim Plusquellic - University of New MexicoMark Tehranipoor - University of FloridaFor contributions as HOST co-founders, general chairs, steering committee, and numerous initiatives since the beginning of the conference.
Saverio Fazzari - Booz Allen HamiltonFor contributions to establishing HOST as a preeminent conference in the government and industrial sectors.
Farinaz Koushanfar - UC San DiegoFor contributions as the first General Chair not co-located with DAC and Steering Committee member.
Ken Mai - Carnegie Mellon UniversityFor serving as General Chair in 2011 and 2012 during early transitional years from workshop to symposium.
Matt Casto - AFRLProviding 15+ years of leadership, vision, and support to grow the hardware security community.
Srini Devadas - MITFor outstanding innovations in the field of hardware and architecture security.
Yousef Iskander - MicrosoftFor 15+ years of contribution to the field of hardware security and supporting academic research.
Gang Qu - University of MarylandFor 20+ years of contribution to the field of hardware security and community service.
Swarup Bhunia - University of FloridaFor his contribution to IEEE technical events and supporting the hardware security community.