HOST 2020 | IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust

HOST 2020 Exhibitor Information

On this page, you will find answers to all of your frequently asked questions concerning what you will receive, what is being requested from you, information about the exhibition, and who to contact. We are excited to have your support for the conference and look forward to a great event.

Unless otherwise instructed, please send all deliverables to ADRAQUEZ@COMPUTER.ORG by the deadline of November 2, 2020.

Planned Exhibitor and Supporter Activities

Tuesday, December 8

Exhibitor Presentations – 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM EST

Birds of a Feather – 3:15 PM – 3:45 PM EST

Exhibits – 3:15 PM – 5:30 PM EST

Wednesday, December 9

Exhibitor Presentations – 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM EST

Birds of a Feather – 3:15 PM – 3:45 PM EST

Exhibits – 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM EST

Thursday, December 10

Exhibitor and Supporter Networking Event – 4:15 PM – 5:30 PM EST

Birds of a Feather (BoF for short)

Birds of a Feather are networking events that attract attendees based on topic. You may select a topic and host a Birds of a Feather session in your exhibit room during the designated times. This event will be promoted to conference attendees.

Virtual Platform Details

The virtual platform that IEEE HOST 2020 will be using is Underline. Specific details regarding the virtual conference platform, including the instructions for setting up exhibitor landing pages, will be provided in the coming weeks. Virtual rooms are very similar to Zoom rooms and are accessible via your landing page. You may have conversations with visitors and/or display presentations and videos while the room is staffed. When the room is not staffed, it will not be accessible from your landing page.

HOST Virtual Landing Page

Your landing page will include the following sections/features:

  • About section
  • Overview section
  • Videos
  • Attendees will be able to request meetings with you
  • Add social media, website, and email links
  • Add PDFs and other documents you'd like attendees to access

Attendees will be able to access exhibitor landing pages, which then link to the virtual rooms, from the Expo menu and the IEEE HOST Virtual Event home page.

Other Frequently Asked Questions
  • How are the different booths going to be positioned in a menu bar?
    • Supporters and exhibitors will be displayed on a menu that is accessible from the IEEE HOST Virtual Event page and from an “Exhibits” page. The participating companies will be listed in top down order starting at the highest sponsorship level, e.g. Gold, then Exhibitor.
  • When can exhibits be open?
    • Exhibit rooms may remain open throughout all hours of the conference. Dedicated exhibit hours are scheduled throughout the week and can be viewed here.
  • Are any mechanisms for 1:1 chats or VOIP discussions available?
    • No. Each exhibitor landing page will link to an exhibit room. When the room is staffed, attendees may speak to the person staffing the room. If there is no one in the room, attendees will not have the option to “enter”. There is a meeting request button, which attendees can fill out. That will trigger an email to a designated booth contact. You can then communicate directly with the submitter to schedule time to talk during or after the conference at a time that is mutually convenient. Rooms can facilitate up to 100 visitors, but up to 16 will have video. However, there are ways to add Zoom links to the page, if you have a Zoom room and would like to break out for private conversations.
  • When should we expect to have access and train/test?
    • Content for your company’s online presence will need to be submitted via the IEEE HOST Virtual Platform exhibit submission form. Refer to the IEEE HOST Virtual Platform set-up document for more details. All content is due Nov. 2. Your assets will then be added to your virtual landing page, with the expectation that you will be able to view and test it during the week of Nov. 30.
  • How many videos can we embed?
    • There is no limit to the videos you can embed. However, they will appear as a thumbnail in a list. Visitors will need to scroll down to see the inclusive list.
  • How many assets can be added?
    • There is no limit to the number of assets that can be added. However, they will appear in a list.
  • Do we get full contact information of everyone who comes to the booth?
    • No. The IEEE HOST Virtual Platform doesn’t have the capability of providing this reporting. During the event, you will be able to see the names of the people who visit your booth while it is staffed.
  • Do we know exactly what each person does in the booth? E.g. Who downloaded papers, watched a video, etc.?
    • No. The IEEE HOST Virtual Platform doesn’t have this reporting functionality, so we won’t be able to provide information about who downloads what. We will be able to share how many people visit the page, in general.


For any questions concerning sponsorship packages and pricing:

For questions regarding sponsor deliverables, deadlines, registration, and general information: