With the generous support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), HOST 2019 is offering travel grants for full-time students from U.S. universities to attend the symposium and/or
its associated tutorials and workshops. Please be aware of the following rules:
- The applicant must be a full-time student, either undergraduate or graduate, enrolled in US institutions by the time of HOST 2019.
- The travel grant receipients will receive hotel rooms in the HOST venue and/or free registrations to tutorials.
- Unlike previous years, HOST will not be able to waive the registration fee for HOST main conference. So please do register before the early registration deadline (March 29, 2019).
- To apply, please complete the form and email to
HOSTStudentTravel@gmail.com with subject line "Your Name: Student Travel Grant" by
Monday, April 8, 2019. The decision will be announced no later than Friday April 12, 2019.
- The information that we collect are required by NSF and/or for the purpose of reimbursement. Please bring the signed copy of the form to HOST and you can provide the social security number at that time.
- The grant recipients are required to submit one paragraph describing their experience or their favorite paper in HOST 2019.
Send your questions to the Student Travel Grant Program Chair:
Mr. Omid Aramoon (